Category Archives: Django

Django and htmx

The 'Django' and the 'htmx' logo beside each other.

I gave a talk last night at the Auckland chapter meetup of Python New Zealand. The subject was the use of htmx with Django .

The JavaScript library htmx allows ‘native app like’ user experience for a Django project. Instead of refreshing the entire page, only the parts of the screen that actually need updating are refreshed. This eliminates those pesky flashes and reloads you get with conventional page refreshes. The result? A much smoother interface..

Now, normally, achieving this level of interactivity would require a full-fledged JavaScript-based frontend, along with the corresponding deep dive into React, Vue, or whichever framework is trending this month. But with htmx, you can get similar results by making relatively minor changes to your existing Django templates and views. No new framework, no need to sell your soul to JavaScript (at least not entirely) and you do away with large amounts of code serializing and de-serializing data.

In a Django context this is all made easier with the help of the django-htmx add-on (written by Adam Johnson). It provides the tools you need to integrate htmx into your Django project. In my presentation, I shared an overview of htmx and how combining it with django-htmx can deliver a smooth, engaging user experience—without the need to build a full-on JavaScript frontend or expose a mountain of API endpoints to service it.

That said, I’m not suggesting htmx is a silver bullet. There are plenty of scenarios where a “proper” JavaScript framework—be it React/Next.js, Vue, or Svelte—makes more sense. But I’m excited to explore more about where htmx fits into the Django ecosystem and how it can simplify things in the right contexts

Here are my slides from last night.

Don’t forget when starting with django-sockpuppet

Today I’ve started my first django-sockpuppet project ( ).

If you’re using pipenv the first thing you need to do is

pipenv install django-sockpuppet

but I found that command failed when it came to installing the dependency on Twisted .

The problem was that I had started using a new virtual machine for development and it was lacking libraries which Twisted depends on. To be clear this is an Ubuntu 20.x machine and this problem may be specific to that environment.

So if you’re using django-sockpuppet and you have problems installing it try executing the following.

sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo apt-get install libevent-dev

This is pretty standard stuff for a new machine but easy to forget if you don’t change very often.

Django and Heroku – getting it working

Django and Heroku – getting it working

What follows is based on a short talk I gave to the New Zealand Python User Group in Feb 2015. This blog post provides some specifics on areas I was only able to hand wave over during the talk.


I recently tried to deploy a Django side project to Heroku.

I’d previously used Heroku for a Ruby on Rails project and remembered it being very straightforward so I was surprised to find it wasn’t that great an experience. The documentation is fragmentary and seems to have been only partially updated to reflect changes in Django and the Heroku environment.

“Simplest Possible”

In the end I decided to suspend my original project and try to make the simplest possible Django project work on Heroku. For “simplest possible” I chose the “Polls” project from the Django Tutorial . I got it working and the code is available in my github account: . If you’re interested the version of the Project which works locally and before I made any changes to support use on Heroku is here : .

What needed to be done

To complement the Heroku documentation I’m going to record here the changes that were made to the Project between v1.0 (working locally) and v2.0 (working on Heroku).

The files to which changes were applied to support use in Heroku are as follows :

mysite/mysite/ (before and after)
mysite/mysite/ (after – there was no ‘before’ for this file !)
mysite/mysite/ (before and after)
requirements.txt (before and after)

diff --git a/mysite/mysite/ b/mysite/mysite/
index cb992c1..b2082ba 100644
--- a/mysite/mysite/
+++ b/mysite/mysite/
@@ -87,4 +87,5 @@ USE_TZ = True

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = 'staticfiles'
TEMPLATE_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')]

The file was completely new for use within the Heroku environment and we can see it referenced below from within when a test is made to see if the code is running within Heroku.

The final form of is as follows :

from .settings import *

import dj_database_url
DATABASES['default'] =  dj_database_url.config()

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
STATIC_ROOT = 'staticfiles'
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),
# Simplified static file serving.
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'whitenoise.django.GzipManifestStaticFilesStorage'

Things worthy of note here are :

  • we import the whole of the local settings file (referenced here as ‘.settings’) and then change or add to it as necessary.
  • we make use of the dj-database-url to pick up the database configuration to be used in the Heroku environment
  • `STATIC_ROOT` and `STATICFILES_DIRS` are not needed in the standard version of the ‘Polls’ project but they are needed when we move to Heroku so they’re added here.
  • `STATIC_URL` is already defined in the standard settings file and so doesn’t actually need to be in at all.
  • STATICFILES_STORAGE allow for the use of Whitenoise a module which allows wsgi apps (such as this one) to serve their own static files, something which hadn’t previously been possible. There’s other good reasons to use Whitenoise in the areas of file compression and cache-header handling

The version of before the changes for Heroku is very straightforward and can be seen below.

WSGI config for mysite project.

It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``.

For more information on this file, see

import os
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mysite.settings")

from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
application = get_wsgi_application()

To make work for Heroku there are essentially three changes:

  • Make the settings file used dependent on the existence of an environmental variable, ‘DYNO’. If it’s present then the code is running on Heroku and the server is started  using the the file shown above, otherwise we continue to use the file.
  • To make use of Whitenoise we take the the output of `get_wsgi_application` and use it as an argument when instantiating a `DjangoWhiteNoise` object.
  • Lastly, and least important, we redirect standard output so to standard error. This isn’t necessary at all and is something I did to make for easier diagnosis of issues while getting the Heroku specific version working.
diff --git a/mysite/mysite/ b/mysite/mysite/
index 15c7d49..e5e1e5c 100644
--- a/mysite/mysite/
+++ b/mysite/mysite/
@@ -8,7 +8,20 @@

import os
import sys

#Allows us to see useful stuff in Gunicorn output
sys.stdout = sys.stderr

#Rely upon env var 'DYNO` to determine if we are
#running within Heroku
if 'DYNO' in os.environ:
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mysite.settings_heroku")
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mysite.settings")

from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
from whitenoise.django import DjangoWhiteNoise

application = get_wsgi_application()
application = DjangoWhiteNoise(application)



The requirements.txt (created as the output from a `pip freeze` command) reflects the libraries installed at any given point.

Here’s the diff of requirements.txt between the local installation and the ‘Heroku’ ready installation.

As can be seen the extra libraries required by the migration to Heroku were :

  • dj-database-url
  • gunicorn
  • whitenoise
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 98b2fd1..4e189d2 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@@ -11,5 +12,6 @@ psycopg2==2.6

A general point about Project structure

A good deal of the Heroku documention assumes that your project directory (the one that contains is also your root directory . This isn’t how I do things. I prefer my root directory to contain stuff like .gitignore, requirements.txt, etc and to have a directory within the root which is my project directory.

If your project is similarly structured it’s worth bearing in mind that the Procfile required by Heroku should include ” –pythonpath ./mysite” (where ‘mysite’ is the name of your project directory) as an argument to the gunicorn invocation … I had a number of issues before I did this . Here’s an example of the argument in use.

A general point about the Heroku CLI

The Heroku Toolbelt includes the Heroku CLI which allows you to manage Heroku apps from the command line. For instance this :

heroku ps --app foo

Provides a list of running dynos in your ‘foo’ application.

Anyway the strange thing is that it seems to me that almost every command you issue via the Heroku CLI requires the

--app foo

argument, where ‘foo’ is the name of your application, and yet the documentation never mentions that ! You work it out pretty quickly because you don’t do much without without it but it’s strange all the same.

 In conclusion

Using the free levels of Heroku for running a Django project gives you access to a really high quality hosting environment at a very attractive price (free as long as you don’t get too much traffic or data). Once you’ve got over the bumps it works really well and for many people will be a good solution for hobby projects.

Charting with Django : three approaches

Charting with Django : three approaches

This is a belated (and hasty) post about a talk I gave in October 2013 at the Wellington branch of the New Zealand Python User Group.

Comparing three different charting libraries

In the talk I compared three different approaches to providing charts within a Django project.

The three different approaches used were :


Sample code and slides

I built a Django project and an application for each of the three approaches and that code is available here : .

The slides for my talk are available here as a PDF :

Conclusion in brief

If you’re only interested in my conclusion I would suggest Django-Graphos – read the slides for why.

Where is Django installed ?

Where is Django installed ?


It’s useful to know where Django is for a number of reasons – customising admin templates for instance.

Todays Learning Point

Django is generally going to be installed in the site-packages directory of the Python directory you’re using. If you’re on an unfamiliar machine however where that is may not be immediately obvious so here’s a way to be sure.

If you need to know where the Django installation is you can do that from within Python quite easily.

>>> import django
>>> print django.__path__

Why __path__

__path__ is a special attribute of Python packages; it’s initialized to hold the name of the directory holding the package’s To put that in blunter terms __path__ is going to tell you where the files that make up the package are – in this case Django.

Django to the world

Django to the world

When your shiny new Django site is invisible to other machines …


The default setting in Django means your development server is invisible to other machines

Todays Learning Point

When a developer creates a nice new Django site and uses the script : runserver

to start the development server. By default the development server is responding to requests made on port 8000 on IP address (or the synonym ‘localhost’). As such you’re not going to be able to see that Django site from any other machine.

In most cases this is just what’s needed. The development server is intended for use by the developer only. However there may be circumstances where you want another developer to see your work – or as happened to me today where you are developing on a virtual machine running within your development machine.

If that’s the case there’s a way around it

Specify IP on Server Launch

You can issue a slightly different command when starting the development server

python runserver

The above command will listen on port 8000 of all public IP addresses of the hosting machine and that in turn will mean other machines can access the Django site served through your development server.