A quick guide to built-in Bellatrix provisioning commands
A table of Bellatrix provisioning commands as at 1.1.2
Bellatrix Provisioning
As mentioned in my previous post Bellatrix allows you to start and provision Amazon Web Services EC2 instances.In this context ‘provision’ refers to the process of installing software, creating directories, changing file permissions etc.
The built in commands are documented here in the official doco but before I found that I’d ripped the cmds.py file apart and produced the following table. It’s a little more succinct than the official version so I think it’s worth publishing here.
Version Alert
For obvious reasons this type of thing is prone to Bellatrix changing. This page is valid as of the 1.1.2 version of Bellatrix.
Provisioning Commands
Command | Description |
apt_get_install | Return the “sudo apt-get install” command |
apt_get_update | Executes apt-get update. |
chmod | Applies the chmod command |
createSoftLink | Creates a new soft link |
copy | Copy a file using -f so it doesn’t fail if the destination exists |
create_django_project | Creates a Django project |
createVirtualEnv | Generate a new Python virtual environment using virtualenv |
executeInVirtualEnv | Execute a command within a virtualenv environmen |
flatCommands | Given a list of commands it will return a single one concatenated by ‘&&’ so they will be executed in sequence until any of them fail |
install_pip | Install pip using apt-get install |
install_nginx | Install Nginx in Ubuntu using the repo they provide as described in http://wiki.nginx.org/Install#Ubuntu_PPA |
installPackageInVirtualEnv | Install a Python package into a virtualenv |
mkdir | Created a new directory. “-p” flag is used so the command generates the same result regardless whether the directory exists or not. |
pip_install | Install a Python package using pip |
sudo | Execute a list of commands using sudo |
wget | Downloads a web resource using wget |