Category Archives: Python

repoze.catalog and ZODB beginners example – part 1

repoze.catalog and ZODB beginners example – part 1


The first of two posts which illustrate how to use repoze.catalog alongside ZODB

What’s ZODB ?

To quote the ZODB home page :

“The ZODB is a native object database, that stores your objects while allowing you to work with any paradigms that can be expressed in Python. Thereby your code becomes simpler, more robust and easier to understand”

What’s repoze.catalog ?

repoze.catalog is one of a number of frameworks which can be used to supply indexing for ZODB for those circumstances where accessing objects stored in ZODB would otherwise be unacceptably slow

Intended Audience

I’m assuming that readers of this post have a basic familiarity with ZODB. If you don’t there are lots of good resources out there of which ‘Example Driven ZODB‘ is a good example.

What’s the purpose of this post ?

For any reasonably experienced Python programmer using ZODB and repoze.catalog is pretty straightforward. Unfortunately a new user of repoze.catalog cannot find an example on the repoze.catalog site which shows both how to catalog items and save them into ZODB. This is understandable as repoze.catalog is not only for use with ZODB but I thought it was worthwhile doing a specific example for that scenario and that’s what on this page.

Where repoze.catalog helps ZODB

Because of the nature of ZODB it’s easy to access objects by the value they’re keyed on but otherwise it’s a question of a sequential search.

So instances of a class that look like this :

class Country(Persistent):
    def __init__(self, pop): = name
        self.population = pop

Might be saved into the `root` property of a ZODB `connection` object like this :

root['un']['nz'] = Country('New Zealand', 4000000)

But subsequently if we wanted to obtain `Country` instances on the basis of population the key doesn’t help us at all and a scan of all `Country` objects would be necessary, like this :

for cou in root['un'].itervalues():
    if cou.population > 1000000:

When we use repoze.catalog to catalogue a ZODB database we specify properties of objects that will be saved in ZODB and which interest us and by which will subsequently want to find the objects.

repoze.catalog allows us quickly and easily search for objects with property values that interest us.

Example Code

Here’s my example code and underneath I’ll expand a little more on what each part does:

Demonstrates how to use repoze.catalog to catalogue objects
being stored in ZODB. This example has the catalog and ZODB
database as seperate repositories
from repoze.catalog.catalog import FileStorageCatalogFactory
from repoze.catalog.catalog import ConnectionManager

from repoze.catalog.indexes.field import CatalogFieldIndex
from repoze.catalog.indexes.text import CatalogTextIndex

import transaction
from persistent import Persistent
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree

from myzodb import MyZODB

factory = FileStorageCatalogFactory('../data/mdcatalog.db', 'mycatalog')

_initialized = False

def initialize_catalog():
    Create a repoze.catalog instance and specify
    indices of intereset

    NB: Use of global variable
    global _initialized
    if not _initialized:
        # create a catalog
        manager = ConnectionManager()
        catalog = factory(manager)
        # set up indexes
        catalog['names'] = CatalogTextIndex('name')
        catalog['populations'] = CatalogFieldIndex('population')
        # commit the indexes
        _initialized = True

class City(Persistent):
    '''Represents a City by name and population'''
    def __init__(self, cityname, citypop): = cityname
        self.population = citypop
    def __str__(self):
        return "%s  (Pop: %s)" % \
                (, \

if __name__ == '__main__':
    manager = ConnectionManager()
    catalog = factory(manager)
    myzodbinstance = MyZODB('../data/mdzdb.fs')
    myzodbinstance.dbroot['cities'] = OOBTree()

    #For ease of demonstration set up a local dict
    #containing a number of `City` instances keyed
    #by a unique integer
    cities = {
        1:City('Windhoek', 322500),
        2:City('Pretoria', 525387),
        3:City('Nairobi', 3138295),
        4:City('Maputo', 1244227),
        5:City('Jakarta', 10187595),
        6:City('Canberra', 358222),
        7:City('Wellington', 393400),
        8:City('Santiago', 5428590),
        9:City('Buenos Aires', 2891082),
    #Iterate over our local dict and for each
    #element generate the catlog entry for
    #repoze.catalog and add the corresponding
    #instance to the ZODB database we are
    for docid, doc in cities.items():
        catalog.index_doc(docid, doc)
        myzodbinstance.dbroot['cities'][docid] = doc


Example Step by Step

Here’s a breakdown on what’s happening in the above example

Initialize repoze.catalog

manager = ConnectionManager()
catalog = factory(manager)

The `initialize_catalog` function creates a repoze.catalog instance and initializes two indices : `names` and `populations`. These index the `name` and `population` properties of any objects indexed with the repoze.catalog instance just created

Make our ZODB database ready for use

myzodbinstance = MyZODB('../data/mdzdb.fs')

`MyZODB` is a convenience class which wraps up the instantiation of a ZODB database instance and provides : `storage`; `db`;`connection`; and `dbroot` properties to help the programmer interact with the ZODB database, connection, storage objects. `MyZODB` also provides a close method to cleanly close the ZODB database, connection and storage.

`MyZODB` is not explicitly included in the above example but it looks like this :

from ZODB import FileStorage, DB
class MyZODB(object):
    '''Manage the state of a ZODB FileStorage connection'''
    def __init__(self, path): = FileStorage.FileStorage(path)
        self.db = DB(
        self.connection =
        self.dbroot = self.connection.root()
    def close(self):

Create a sub-tree in ZODB for our `City` objects

Now we have an instance of `MyZODB` we can treat the `dbroot` property (which corresponds to the ZODB `dbroot` property of the ZODB `connection` object) as a plain old dictionary and assign a value to it under some key of our choosing, for our example because we’re going to save a set of `City` objects we’ve chosen ‘cities’.

At this stage we just assign an instance of `OOBTree` to that ‘cities’ key. An OOBTree instance acts like a dictionary but, when a lot of elements are within it, works much more efficiently for the purposes of ZODB.

myzodbinstance.dbroot['cities'] = OOBTree()

Create a set of `City` objects

Now we pause for a moment and make ourselves a set of `City` objects and put them into a dictionary for later use.

What’s significant here is that the key used to save each `City` instance is a unique integer which has no specific meaning in itself, we’ll see why in a moment.

cities = {
1:City('Windhoek', 322500),
2:City('Pretoria', 525387),
3:City('Nairobi', 3138295),
4:City('Maputo', 1244227),
5:City('Jakarta', 10187595),
6:City('Canberra', 358222),
7:City('Wellington', 393400),
8:City('Santiago', 5428590),
9:City('Buenos Aires', 2891082),

Save `City` objects to ZODB and index them

Now at last we’re going to do what we’ve come for.

We iterate over our set of `City` instances and for each one we make use of the `index_doc` method of repoze.catalog . Notice that the two arguments are the integer we’ve arbitarily associated with each `City` instance, ‘docid’ in this example, and the `City` instance itself, ‘doc’ in this example. By using the `index_doc` method we update the catalog entries maintained by repoze.catalog

In the same interation we assign the `City` object instance, ‘doc’ to our `OOBTree` (stored under the ‘cities’ key of `dbroot`) using as an index the same integer we’ve just passed to the `index_doc` call.

Finally we make use of the ZODB Transaction manager to commit our changes. Because repoze.catalog is actually a ZODB database inside our single transaction is sufficient to commit both the catalog update and the actual update of the ZODB database.

for docid, doc in cities.items():
    catalog.index_doc(docid, doc)
    myzodbinstance.dbroot['cities'][docid] = doc

Credit where credits due

The example I’ve shown here owes some parts to one of the examples on the repoze.catalog website. The structure of the `myZODB` was taken from the article cited above,  ‘Example Driven ZODB‘ . Lastly I got some useful advice in response to a question I posed on StackOverflow and I’m grateful to the people who provided answers .

In Closing

That’s all there is to it ! In many small scale instances there’s no need to do anything other than use ZODB as it comes and not worry about indexing – machines are fast and many applications deal with relatively small data sets however if you do need it repoze.catalog (or one of the other, similar, cataloguing tools) is a useful way to squeeze more speed out of ZODB.

This has been a very long blog post by my standards so I’m going to show how to access the data indexed under repoze.catalog (and prove that it all actually works !) in a blog post next week.

Droopy : Very simple HTTP file uploads

Droopy : Very simple HTTP file uploads


Droopy is a mini web server which makes allowing file uploads very easy

I just want to upload this file !

I’ve been writing a system which shares processing tasks across two machines.

Part of this involved shipping an image file from one machine to the other; doing some stuff to the file and then; bringing the file back again.

I was looking around for easy ways to move the files and I found droopy .

To quote the author, Pierre  Duqeusne, “Droopy is a mini Web server whose sole purpose is to let others upload files to your computer”. It’s a single python script so as long you’ve got Python installed starting the server is as simple as this

python droopy --message "Upload the bb images here" --picture 0.jpg --dl 8080

And you’re ready to upload files immediately

Image in screendump courtesy of paloetic via flickr

Because of the `–dl` argument used to launch droopy in my example above you also have the option to download files from the same director you’re uploading to.

How I used it

Uploading Files using Requests and Droopy

My solution was written in python so uploading files to the droopy server was very easy using the excellent requests library

def uploadfile(filepath, uploadurl, fileformelementname="upfile"):
    This will invoke an upload to the webserver
    on the VM

    files = {fileformelementname : open(filepath,'rb')}
    r =, files=files)
    return r.status_code

uploadStatus = uploadfile(currentFile.fullpath, UPLOADURL, "upfile")

Download Files using urllib and Droopy

I can’t now remember why but I decided to do the download using urllib instead of Requests

def downloadfile(filename, dloadurl, outputdirectory):
    Pull the converted file off the droopy server

    fullurl = urljoin(dloadurl, filename)
    fulloutputpath = os.path.join(outputdirectory, 'divided', filename)

    urllib.urlretrieve(fullurl, fulloutputpath)

downloadfile(currentFile.outputName, DOWNLOADURL, IMGDIR)


Droopy provides a very useful, very simple web server for both uploading and downloading files. Combined with Python it makes a very useful facility for moving files around under programmtic control.


All of the above was done on Python 2.7.x.

Crazy little thing called : SimpleHTTPServer

Crazy little thing called : SimpleHTTPServer


Python brings you a one line web-server !

Simplest webserver ever !

I was logged onto a tiny VPS I use sometimes and thinking it would be useful to have a web-server to help move a few files off it. The thought of installing a ‘real’ web-server seemed a bit much for what would five minutes of use so I started thinking about Python (of course !).

It turns out that you can fire up a (completely unsecured and rather wild-west) web server like this :

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

When you type that command the current directory becomes the root of a web-resource, accessible via port 8000 – rather than the default port 80 we usually use for HTTP, and any files, and sub-directories, in the current directory can be accessed like this

and, for stuff in sub-directories, like this

Don’t say you weren’t warned

There are of course all sort of circumstances where doing this would be a REALLY BAD IDEA ™ but all the same it’s nice to know it’s there if you need it !

optparse: simulating ‘–help’

optparse: simulating ‘–help’


Getting optparse to show a summary of script options under program control.

What do you use optparse for ?

optparse is a Python standard library for parsing command-line options.

optparse provides a relatively simple way of

* defining a set of command line arguments which the user may enter
* parsing the command line entered and storing the results of the parse

I need help !

By default optparse will respond to a either of :

<yourscript> -h


<yourscript> --help

by printing a summary of your scripts options.

What I learned today

In the script I was working on today I wanted to respond to the user not entering any argument at all by printing a summary of all options available (in other words as if they user had entered ‘–help’ or ‘-h’ as an argument).

There is a way you can do this but for some reason it’s not in the list of OptionParser methods shown in the documentation.


If you call the method ‘print_help’ as shown in the code below optparse will respond by by printing the same text that would be shown if the user were to enter an argument of ‘–help’.

parser = OptionParser(description=desc, usage=usage)
parser.add_option(  "-i", "--inbox", action="store",  dest="inbox",
metavar="INBOX", help="Location of INBOX")
parser.add_option(  "-o", "--outpath", action="store", dest="outpath",
metavar="PATH", help="PATH to output csv file")
parser.add_option(  "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
dest="verbose", help="Show each file processed")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if (options.inbox is None) and (options.outpath is None):
elif not os.path.exists(options.inbox):
  parser.error('inbox location does not exist')
elif not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(options.outpath)):
  parser.error('path to ouput location does not exist')

return options

Using Paramiko to control an EC2 instance

An example of using Paramiko to issue commands to an EC2 instance


An example of using the Python library Paramiko to ‘remote control’ an EC2 instance .

“Do that, Do this”

Recently I’ve been looking into the use of the Bellatrix library to start, control and stop Amazon EC2 instances (my posts about that are here and here).

Spinning off the side of that I’ve taken a look at the Paramiko module which “implements the SSH2 protocol for secure (encrypted and authenticated) connections to remote machines”.

There’s a good article on beginning to use Paramiko “SSH Programming with Paramiko” by Jesse Noller which I found very helpful but there’s enough stuff I had to change to deal with using EC2 and the controlling Python script running on Windows that I thought it would be worth recording my sample script.

Installing Paramiko

So first off I’d seen the comments about Paramiko maybe needing a special compilation step for installation to Windows but I’m pleased to say that’s not true, I downloaded to my Windows Vista machine, did a quick…

python install

… and it all went very smoothly, just to be sure I tried out an import …

>>> import paramiko

… no problem.

Starting the EC2 instance

I now needed a server to talk to so I used Bellatrix to spin up a micro instance of Ubuntu like this :

python "C:\bin\installed\Python2.6\Scripts\bellatrix" start --security_groups mySecGrp ami-3e9b4957 mykeypair

The arguments you can see here are :

  • “mySecGrp” is a Security Group I’ve previously setup via the AWS Management Console;
  • ‘ami-3e9b4957’ is the AMI of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx); and
  •  ‘mykeypair’ is the name of a Key Pair that, again, I’ve previously setup via the AWS Management Console.

When you run that command you get an output that looks like this :

C:\Users\Richard Shea>python "C:\bin\installed\Python2.6\Scripts\bellatrix" start --security_groups mySecGrp ami-3e9b4957 mykeypair
2012-04-19 21:27:03,135 INFO starting EC2 instance...
2012-04-19 21:27:03,180 INFO ami:ami-3e9b4957 type:t1.micro key_name:mykeypair security_groups:mySecGrp new size:None
2012-04-19 21:27:07,657 INFO starting image: ami-3e9b4957 key mykeypair type t1.micro shutdown_behavior terminate new size None
2012-04-19 21:27:08,555 INFO we got 1 instance (should be only one).
2012-04-19 21:27:08,556 INFO tagging instance:i-f1234567 key:Name value:Bellatrix started me
2012-04-19 21:27:12,361 INFO instance:i-f1234567 was successfully tagged with: key:Name value:Bellatrix started me
2012-04-19 21:27:12,361 INFO getting the dns name for instance: i-f1234567 time out is: 300 seconds...
2012-04-19 21:27:34,173 INFO DNS name for i-f1234567 is
2012-04-19 21:27:34,173 INFO waiting until instance: i-f1234567 is ready. Time out is: 300 seconds...
2012-04-19 21:27:34,174 INFO Instance i-f1234567 is running

And the key thing here is that we now now have access to the host name of the EC2 instance we’ve just spun up:

Talking to the EC2 instance

We’re now ready to send commands to our new instance. Making use of some of Jesses code I was able to write :

import paramiko
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("uptime;ls -l;touch mickymouse;ls -l;uptime")
data =
for line in data:
    print line

Anyone who’s got this far can probably see what’s happening here, but just to be sure :

  1. having instantiated an instance of paramiko.SSHClient we’re able to use our private key file and the address of our EC2 server to start an SSH session.
  2. We then use the exec_command method to submit a string of commands and get back three references to files corresponding to : standard input, standard output and standard error.
  3. By reading through the standard output file we can print locally the output from the commands executed on the EC2 instance.

The Key Thing

As you can see to identify ourselves to the remote server we’re doing a key exchange. Our private key is ‘mykeypair-ssh2-rsa.openssh’. A point worth mentioning here is that generally I logon to EC2 instances using the excellent PuTTY . The private key files used by default by PuTTY are not in the same format as the ones required by Paramiko so as a result when I first tried this I found Paramiko fell over complaining my ‘key_filename’ argument was ‘not a valid dsa private key file’.

PuttyGen to the rescue

Well the great thing is that PuTTY actually comes with a tool PuttyGen which will import a standard PuTTY key file (foo.ppk) – you need to do ‘Conversions’ | ‘Import Key’ and then ‘Conversions’ | ‘Export OpenSSH Key’

Ubuntu Specific

Bear in mind that the way the SSHClient connect method is used above is suitable for an Ubuntu instance as it is by default however you can’t rely on all *nix instance working just that way.

Seeing the Output

Just to close out I’ll show you the output

12:39:45 up  3:12,  0 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01
total 0
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 0 2012-04-19 12:39 mickymouse
12:39:45 up  3:12,  0 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01

Powerful Stuff

The combination of Bellatrix allowing you to spin up EC2 instances with a single command and Paramiko allowing you send arbitary commands to those servers is powerful stuff and I’m impressed at the work done by their respective developers. Of course Bellatrix can do ‘for free’ what I’ve used Paramiko to do here are part of it’s Provisioning commands but it was an interesting exercise for me to do my own version of that.

Find (Python) File in which object is defined

Every so often I have an object defined in some Python code and I want to work out in which file that object was defined.

Generally this can be done by a bit of grepping but if the object name in question is pretty generic this can be less than productive and it turns out there is a nice ready made way provided for us in the Python Standard Library.

So as an example currently I’m working with Pyro4 and I’m curious to know, for instance, where a particular constant, VERSION, is defined.

>>> import Pyro4
>>> print Pyro4.constants.VERSION

Well the ‘inspect’ module from the Python standard library allows you do just that, specifically the ‘getfile’ method –

>>> inspect.getfile(Pyro4.constants)

As we can now see the VERSION object derives from the constants.pyc at the path given. In this case the definition is actually in the middle of an egg, pyro4-4.8-py2.7.egg,  which  means direct access to the underlying source code is not as straightforward as if it were implemented in plain old python scripts.

Nevertheless we can still make use of another inspect module function, the ‘getsource’ method ( to get some more information about the object we’re interested in as follows:

>>> inspect.getsource(Pyro4.constants)
'"""\nDefinitions of various hard coded constants.
Pyro - Python Remote Objects.  Copyright by Irmen de Jong. -"""
# Pyro version\nVERSION = "4.8"
# standard object name for the Daemon object
DAEMON_NAME = "Pyro.Daemon"
# standard name for the Name server itself
NAMESERVER_NAME = "Pyro.NameServer"

… etc, etc.

The Python dict() constructor

The Python dict() constructor


How to add key/value pairs to an existing dictionary using the dict() contstructor

Using dict()

I’ve fallen into the habit of building dictionaries in Python using the braces approach, that is :

d1 = {'name':'Jane', 'age':21}

I was reminded today that you can use the conventional constructor method associated with the dict type as follows :

d1 = dict(name='Jane', age=21)

This will produce the same dictionary as the previous example. Notice that name of the keyword arguments (‘name’ and ‘age’) end up being the keys of the dictionary. Notice also that because they are keyword arguments to the function dict() they are not supplied as quoted strings.

What I learnt today

I was looking at some code today and discovered there’s something else the dict() function can do which I didn’t previously know of. If you have an existing dictionary which you wish to add some key/value pairs to you can do this.

#Create d1 from above
d1 = dict(name='Jane', age=21)

#Now produce a new dictionary, d2, based
#upon d1 and with extra key/value pairs

d2=dict(d1, weight=50, shoesize=7)

print d2
{'age': 21, 'shoesize': 7, 'name': 'Jane', 'weight': 50}

Taking it further

Not surprisingly you can use the same technique to modify the existing key/value pairs in a dictionary, like this :

#Create d1 from above
d1 = dict(name='Jane', age=21)

#Now produce a new dictionary, d3, based
#upon d1 with a modified existing key/value pair

d3=dict(d1, name='John')

print d3
{'age': 21, 'name': 'John'}

Where is Django installed ?

Where is Django installed ?


It’s useful to know where Django is for a number of reasons – customising admin templates for instance.

Todays Learning Point

Django is generally going to be installed in the site-packages directory of the Python directory you’re using. If you’re on an unfamiliar machine however where that is may not be immediately obvious so here’s a way to be sure.

If you need to know where the Django installation is you can do that from within Python quite easily.

>>> import django
>>> print django.__path__

Why __path__

__path__ is a special attribute of Python packages; it’s initialized to hold the name of the directory holding the package’s To put that in blunter terms __path__ is going to tell you where the files that make up the package are – in this case Django.

Django to the world

Django to the world

When your shiny new Django site is invisible to other machines …


The default setting in Django means your development server is invisible to other machines

Todays Learning Point

When a developer creates a nice new Django site and uses the script : runserver

to start the development server. By default the development server is responding to requests made on port 8000 on IP address (or the synonym ‘localhost’). As such you’re not going to be able to see that Django site from any other machine.

In most cases this is just what’s needed. The development server is intended for use by the developer only. However there may be circumstances where you want another developer to see your work – or as happened to me today where you are developing on a virtual machine running within your development machine.

If that’s the case there’s a way around it

Specify IP on Server Launch

You can issue a slightly different command when starting the development server

python runserver

The above command will listen on port 8000 of all public IP addresses of the hosting machine and that in turn will mean other machines can access the Django site served through your development server.

AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘digits’

‘str’ object has no attribute ‘digits’

On silly ways you can puzzle yourself – part 412


How to make Python report that a string object has no attribute ‘digits’

Confusing Yourself – the easy way

Today I was working on a little piece of code which I hadn’t originally written and which looked something like this :

import string
def foo(string):
  for c in string:
    if c in string.digits:
       #do something

As is well known the Python string module contains a number of useful constants one of which is string.digits

>>> import string
>>> print string.digits

Missing ‘digits’

My problem was that every time I went to execute this code it got to the reference to string.digits and the Python intepreter would report

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'digits'

I spent a happy half hour looking backwards and forwards trying to understand why the String module might think it had no attribute ‘digits’ when everything indicated quite clearly it did until I realised what the problem was.

def foo(string):

That argument name ‘string’ had carefully chucked away my previous reference to the String module and as a string has no attribute ‘digits’ the intpreter was quite reasonably complaining !

My defense

In my defense I wouldn’t normally use variable names, like ‘string’,  that come quite that close to commonly used modules but then like I say I didn’t write the original function

… but what I should have done

But then again what I should have done a great deal sooner than I did was to add a couple of lines to the function so that it read :

import string
import pprint
def foo(string):
  for c in string:
    if c in string.digits:
       #do something

which would have output something like this


… and made it pretty clear that things were not as I thought they were.