The Fake library has a whole lot of built in properties that you can use to generate fake data for testing, etc. Unfortunately the documentation hasn’t kept up with the available properties so here’s a list of most of them as they are in the current release. It’s ‘most of them’ because some properties, such as ‘tar’, don’t lend themselves to easily being on a web page.
Once I get some time I’ll do a pull request for the documentation for the actual project so that this page will become redundant.
fake.aba | 065144370 |
fake.address | 34370 Pace Radial Nortontown, NC 29290 |
fake.administrative_unit | South Carolina |
fake.am_pm | PM |
fake.android_platform_tok en | Android 3.2.6 |
fake.ascii_company_email | |
fake.ascii_email | |
fake.ascii_free_email | |
fake.ascii_safe_email | |
fake.bank_country | GB |
fake.bban | QIEV11003029338014 |
fake.boolean | True |
fake.bothify | 87 gf | | enable collaborative applications |
fake.building_number | 9389 |
fake.catch_phrase | Profit-focused analyzing collaboration |
fake.century | XV | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/531.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.813.0 Safari/531.0 | | Petersonchester |
fake.city_spanfix | East |
fake.city_suffix | mouth |
fake.color | #58910e |
fake.color_name | Tomato | | Thompson LLC |
fake.company_email | |
fake.company_suffix | and Sons |
fake.coordinate | 39.909401 | | Armenia |
fake.country_calling_code | +1 869 |
fake.country_code | CG |
fake.credit_card_expire | 04/30 |
fake.credit_card_full | VISA 19 digit John Henderson 4388782482398195841 03/29 CVC: 602 |
fake.credit_card_number | 2238435833272261 |
fake.credit_card_provider | JCB 15 digit |
fake.credit_card_security_code | 796 |
fake.cryptocurrency | (‘ETH’, ‘Ethereum’) |
fake.cryptocurrency_code | XPM |
fake.cryptocurrency_name | Bitcoin |
fake.csv | “Robert Anderson”,”06446 Nathan Forks Lanefurt, NY 27437″ “Robert Anderson”,”92218 Cassandra Locks Lake Todd, SC 84356″ “Bradley Johnston”,”9518 Jason Centers Suite 333 West Jefferyberg, UT 20673″ “Austin Hudson”,”27678 Lauren Estate Scottview, WI 21027″ “Ryan Hart”,”834 Don Crest Apt. 132 South Chelsea, MO 06160″ “Joel Bullock”,”65224 Samuel Island Apt. 999 Yatesmouth, MS 41571″ “Joy Leonard”,”950 Gentry Place Port Bryan, WI 91489″ “Dr. Mary Lawrence”,”8994 Anna Mountain Owenburgh, NY 90689″ “Sarah Campbell”,”7866 Christopher Trace Suite 629 North Tiffanyport, CA 91255″ “Eric Allen”,”94927 Lisa Knoll Apt. 346 West Christopherberg, NV 93152″ |
fake.currency | (‘USD’, ‘United States dollar’) |
fake.currency_code | SCR |
fake.currency_name | Jordanian dinar |
fake.currency_symbol | $ |
fake.current_country | United States |
fake.current_country_code | US | | 2011-05-11 |
fake.date_between | 2013-09-23 |
fake.date_between_dates | 2021-08-31 |
fake.date_object | 2008-10-27 |
fake.date_of_birth | 1936-09-02 |
fake.date_this_century | 2004-10-08 |
fake.date_this_decade | 2021-01-06 |
fake.date_this_month | 2021-08-25 |
fake.date_this_year | 2021-05-17 |
fake.date_time | 2020-02-28 00:21:01 |
fake.date_time_ad | 1785-05-08 19:44:16 |
fake.date_time_between | 1999-08-12 07:04:19 |
fake.date_time_between_dates | 2021-08-31 14:18:23 |
fake.date_time_this_century | 2010-07-05 08:40:01 |
fake.date_time_this_decade | 2021-01-04 19:55:52 |
fake.date_time_this_month | 2021-08-27 11:34:48 |
fake.date_time_this_year | 2021-04-10 09:48:15 |
fake.day_of_month | 07 |
fake.day_of_week | Wednesday |
fake.dga | |
fake.domain_name | |
fake.domain_word | moore |
fake.dsv | “Jeremy Gordon”,”267 Crystal River Apt. 657 North Shaneborough, FL 36124″ “Charles Campbell”,”35681 Keith Road Lake Dustinchester, WI 72084″ “Jennifer Robinson”,”153 Jean Court New Jessica, ID 88924″ “Mrs. Alison Black DVM”,”USS Parker FPO AA 81626″ “Robert Thomas”,”501 Charles Parkways Martinland, TX 36101″ “Megan Lopez”,”7203 Williams Mill Suite 707 Kaylahaven, NV 86377″ “Karen Shaw”,”873 David Mountains Suite 355 Scottville, MI 03858″ “Lisa Mitchell”,”033 Andrew Mountains Angelicaberg, NJ 46464″ “Jennifer Bailey”,”9698 Lynn Overpass Suite 225 Williamsland, NH 86156″ “Tiffany Powers”,”308 Huerta Crescent Kirbymouth, CO 74505″ |
fake.ean | 6888039620628 |
fake.ean13 | 3507382888358 |
fake.ean8 | 16591516 |
fake.ein | 39-0323987 | | |
fake.file_extension | mov |
fake.file_name | the.png |
fake.file_path | /cost/impact.tiff |
fake.firefox | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 4.0; sa-IN; rv: Gecko/2013-09-02 18:58:42 Firefox/15.0 |
fake.first_name | Brittany |
fake.first_name_female | Carrie |
fake.first_name_male | Vincent |
fake.first_name_nonbinary | Gregory |
fake.fixed_width | Walter Gomez 1 Heather Larson 0 Michael Cabrera 17 Marc Benitez 0 Kelly Novak 8 Tyler Scott 9 Daniel Walker Jr. 14 Lisa Gonzalez 5 Kerry Clark 14 Alan King 12 |
fake.free_email | |
fake.free_email_domain | |
fake.future_date | 2021-09-12 |
fake.future_datetime | 2021-09-10 12:53:08 |
fake.hex_color | #de5fee |
fake.hexify | c557 |
fake.hostname | |
fake.http_method | PATCH |
fake.iana_id | 4100134 |
fake.iban | GB19TCHN98296480355376 |
fake.image_url | |
fake.internet_explorer | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/4.1) |
fake.invalid_ssn | 018-00-8384 |
fake.ios_platform_token | iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X |
fake.ipv4 | |
fake.ipv4_network_class | a |
fake.ipv4_private | |
fake.ipv4_public | |
fake.ipv6 | 926b:67b3:8db1:ed20:c309:72db:cc03:8dba |
fake.isbn10 | 0-686-28575-1 |
fake.isbn13 | 978-0-89646-269-4 |
fake.iso8601 | 1991-10-14T02:54:22 |
fake.items | odict_items([(‘en_US’, |
fake.itin | 907-77-4407 |
fake.job | Surveyor, minerals |
fake.json | [{“name”: “Mario Gonzalez PhD”, “residency”: “29582 Alan Plain Suite 496\nEast Peggy, FL 10548”}, {“name”: “Ashley Koch”, “residency”: “637 Smith Spur Suite 465\nLake Anthony, WI 24939”}, {“name”: “Matthew Lopez”, “residency”: “5407 Jacqueline Underpass Apt. 076\nWest Katie, MO 83289”}, {“name”: “Kaylee Stone PhD”, “residency”: “970 Cortez Rest\nSheltonville, NC 55621”}, {“name”: “James Smith”, “residency”: “131 Mullen Vista Suite 147\nJordanshire, KY 62332”}, {“name”: “Hannah Nichols”, “residency”: “USCGC Nguyen\nFPO AA 29320”}, {“name”: “Crystal Snyder”, “residency”: “97306 Shawn Causeway\nWallacetown, IA 12768”}, {“name”: “Kimberly Potter”, “residency”: “0590 Taylor Trail\nZacharyburgh, MS 33137”}, {“name”: “Bonnie Byrd”, “residency”: “33542 April Union\nJuliahaven, AR 98354”}, {“name”: “Judith Jenkins”, “residency”: “15746 Davis Trafficway Suite 166\nLake John, NJ 51448”}] |
fake.language_code | or |
fake.language_name | Tatar |
fake.last_name | Wright |
fake.last_name_female | Hoffman |
fake.last_name_male | Hernandez |
fake.last_name_nonbinary | Gomez |
fake.latitude | 21.7625585 |
fake.latlng | (Decimal(‘63.615652’), Decimal(‘-98.149124’)) |
fake.lexify | Enyd |
fake.license_plate | PVZ-9007 |
fake.linux_platform_token | X11; Linux i686 |
fake.linux_processor | i686 |
fake.local_latlng | (‘39.72943’, ‘-104.83192’, ‘Aurora’, ‘US’, ‘America/Denver’) |
fake.locale | is_IS |
fake.localized_ean | 0016388652144 |
fake.localized_ean13 | 0029053440380 |
fake.localized_ean8 | 11941910 |
fake.location_on_land | (‘35.95664’, ‘36.7138’, ‘Binnish’, ‘SY’, ‘Asia/Damascus’) |
fake.longitude | -169.728120 |
fake.mac_address | 0f:0d:c0:15:79:32 |
fake.mac_platform_token | Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10 12_2 |
fake.mac_processor | PPC |
fake.md5 | e37e6d022a48d7e0f802d027032b04aa |
fake.military_apo | PSC 5595, Box 6692 |
fake.military_dpo | Unit 6288 Box 3051 |
fake.military_ship | USCGC |
fake.military_state | AA |
fake.mime_type | image/gif |
fake.month | 03 |
fake.month_name | March |
fake.msisdn | 5331986894301 | | Trevor Rich |
fake.name_female | Ann Fuentes |
fake.name_male | Bryce Griffith |
fake.name_nonbinary | Sara Scott |
fake.nic_handle | RLQ8-FAKE |
fake.nic_handles | [‘KS25-OJUC’] |
fake.null_boolean | True |
fake.numerify | 652 |
fake.opera | Opera/8.44.(Windows NT 10.0; unm-US) spansto/2.9.164 Version/10.00 |
fake.paragraph | Clearly require father manage own role. Choose friend fish season city provide rate. Treat go raise clear quickly. |
fake.paragraphs | [‘Beyond ready step begin region. Development our after throw professor against short.’, ‘Let eye they again. Early next personal happen generation forget fly. Group any future message someone easy.’, ‘Season Mrs star study easy write. Their chance standard yeah hotel firm why. Ask any chance week agree.’] |
fake.password | LVTj1IziD+ |
fake.past_date | 2021-08-11 |
fake.past_datetime | 2021-08-16 15:06:19 |
fake.phone_number | 734.060.8523 |
fake.port_number | 22223 |
fake.postalcode | 55402 |
fake.postalcode_in_state | 97715 |
fake.postalcode_plus4 | 47166-8270 |
fake.postcode | 42307 |
fake.postcode_in_state | 23207 |
fake.spanfix | Mrs. |
fake.spanfix_female | Mrs. |
fake.spanfix_male | Mr. |
fake.spanfix_nonbinary | Mx. |
fake.pricetag | $4,813.75 |
fake.profile | {‘job’: ‘Dentist’, ‘company’: ‘Francis Group’, ‘ssn’: ‘179-03-3184’, ‘residence’: ‘73675 Mccormick Vista\nPort Amybury, WA 24899’, ‘current_location’: (Decimal(‘-7.4860615’), Decimal(‘-106.095259’)), ‘blood_group’: ‘A+’, ‘website’: [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’], ‘username’: ‘melissabailey’, ‘name’: ‘Jennifer Williams’, ‘sex’: ‘F’, ‘address’: ‘PSC 5931, Box 4914\nAPO AE 42669’, ‘mail’: ‘’, ‘birthdate’:, 8, 27)} |
fake.psv | “Michael Wells”|”7347 Frank Village New Jose, AZ 12787” “Alex Johnson”|”508 Cole Tunnel Suite 639 Williamburgh, NE 33390” “Joseph Meadows”|”USS Blanchard FPO AA 66097” “Laurie Burke”|”9272 Carrie Flats West Anthonyville, TX 27912” “Traci Powell”|”488 Jennifer Mountains Davidfurt, KS 50099” “Sharon Cross”|”25871 Caroline Trafficway Apt. 966 South Kennethshire, IA 59844” “Eric Leblanc”|”587 Amy Tunnel Suite 573 Elizabethland, SD 06744” “Scott Campbell”|”PSC 0434, Box 1184 APO AE 08365” “John King”|”756 Shirley Neck Suite 864 New Rebecca, KY 62527” “Dale Young”|”2676 Wagner Mount Feliciaside, DE 66301” |
fake.pybool | False |
fake.pydecimal | 283459433.55292 |
fake.pydict | {‘hand’: 8833, ‘current’: 7827, ‘special’: 7770, ‘right’: ‘ejJjehnAuwvdlyTjwhZA’, ‘company’: Decimal(‘-3.37239102590394’), ‘wife’: ‘’, ‘read’: -210.856158532971, ‘people’: ‘cVfoGVuarhFNShZuKLXr’, ‘himself’: ‘XKOGonEBVzjrHVKFfJHY’, ‘anything’: -32071535121256.6} |
fake.pyfloat | 950227457009.336 |
fake.pyint | 8293 |
fake.pyiterable | {Decimal(‘-8806.53365815814’), Decimal(‘8705691525.92929’), 1409, ‘yjvITyupRZKQdrvgRmoL’, Decimal(‘-10619041.6630978’), ‘cDcYRiTROjcCJlHbINJx’, ‘BLWhqHBTNERMqXFtAkat’, 2326, ‘DaQNFvIZlqVJoniJwOPk’, datetime.datetime(1973, 8, 27, 4, 36, 6), 8445, 702, ‘’} |
fake.pylist | [‘ejpxcIdfbzllsvZHPLId’, ‘QndTRjppgdrZOdhfnYnO’, ‘KfdeVzpvzuputwFUgqMx’, ‘QQsnxIJQkijDnsKxrJpz’, ‘hKGItjIIdGHUCBclStjC’, 7302, ‘uFeYreqpWPSsmOoPBEDb’] |
fake.pyset | {datetime.datetime(1974, 2, 19, 7, 4, 13), ‘nnZkVSwOWUMVqePHxCxA’, datetime.datetime(1981, 12, 19, 13, 20, 27), ‘BZMdQMjsTeghLPjaHomR’, ‘’, ‘MNYAGpgBszBagkYpGtJt’, 4176, datetime.datetime(1985, 4, 1, 19, 51, 9), datetime.datetime(1976, 6, 18, 23, 30, 49)} |
fake.pystr | wcCPmxijLVvyojRYBPJE |
fake.pystr_format | f1-4015059C |
fake.pystruct | ([datetime.datetime(1980, 4, 1, 13, 0, 16), ‘’, Decimal(‘-3822.5902447118’), 505, ‘’, ‘qrmqLjkCfEvQkovBJqWB’, ‘XFSVfdpSThWPwRYEgChR’, ‘rZXTPcTlBhXFpUPtjYKg’, 6427, 256], {‘plan’: 6043, ‘arm’: datetime.datetime(1989, 10, 18, 0, 33, 35), ‘instead’: 8979, ‘investment’: ‘’, ‘way’: ‘JmxFREbhurEezTaOPPaQ’, ‘course’: 3666, ‘together’: -25037940576938.5, ‘out’: ‘RWvtbaDPDhbRlpTfNwCi’, ‘which’: ‘eQDuYYNszgRkECCnuNLR’, ‘debate’: ‘RYoqomPMrMAxXSuknxib’}, {‘agent’: {0: ‘fxurbxyfmmaWqWeNdvkY’, 1: [Decimal(‘-597725131.721244’), 2022, Decimal(‘17500917128720.6’)], 2: {0: Decimal(‘-50625135849541.7’), 1: ‘’, 2: [‘hJcdcViZsKFddoWuOobw’, ‘eSYNTMqwgfQDXxzcFKoR’]}}, ‘even’: {1: 5101, 2: [‘PYSDbeVzoDmyQSyoBGzV’, ‘NnsCoaXfXixyFAuXajkS’, ‘’], 3: {1: -72034.2200775236, 2: ‘AFGpAZHRcIwzZFIQUict’, 3: [‘DrxNENknLuoHfeXNJBBN’, 3567]}}, ‘night’: {2: datetime.datetime(1981, 6, 13, 19, 52, 7), 3: [1613, 3830, 3397], 4: {2: ‘gvYhtpPlzGKymlHEAPXi’, 3: ‘’, 4: [‘’, ‘PgTLrcujpLRpfSRrjeIr’]}}, ‘style’: {3: -4829471750612.41, 4: [datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 5, 22, 23, 37), ‘PNuOnabhqgoTLEYOElKe’, 5705], 5: {3: 5.87284654416101, 4: ‘fuDEUjYmACKVITbkfuKp’, 5: [‘’, ‘xVJiaRgXUzdtTQiBDAnU’]}}, ‘third’: {4: Decimal(‘97529477.921929’), 5: [‘LpDHPEMhMuJWDdbWQpnv’, ‘ipnbaCxOSxxzxepMDBLF’, 7342], 6: {4: ‘TQgTYawMgBKLuoXHzakD’, 5: 448.838835096874, 6: [datetime.datetime(2014, 7, 16, 13, 41, 36), 4799]}}, ‘stop’: {5: 2501, 6: [datetime.datetime(1982, 4, 6, 13, 19, 37), ‘udiWbsSpMAkJyapJrhDe’, datetime.datetime(1993, 4, 30, 0, 22, 33)], 7: {5: 2691, 6: ‘’, 7: [‘iuWtgIJYQQqRGydMxxyo’, datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 22, 17, 21, 1)]}}, ‘wide’: {6: ‘AbPxUgvKlsMJTkZjLfim’, 7: [‘’, ‘QVyTszErARaoNdqBLphN’, ‘IOzCAeUVnGfFPJjKnQri’], 8: {6: ‘’, 7: ‘’, 8: [‘’, 93]}}, ‘now’: {7: 2207, 8: [1826, ‘QzYWRrpbSpGfPlkEXovR’, ‘KBAJDPCyioQOnazONyTf’], 9: {7: Decimal(‘-30579.780610314’), 8: Decimal(‘-4.6545327801111’), 9: [‘XJduICTRIpshqOrZeLBA’, ‘’]}}, ‘suffer’: {8: datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 24, 12, 35, 36), 9: [‘’, 9654, ‘EIWqCoPFCCstjGPCMpuR’], 10: {8: ‘’, 9: ‘’, 10: [‘’, -5.79789665945564]}}, ‘particularly’: {9: ‘MJnLmgcHHTsZxAbYuojp’, 10: [datetime.datetime(1972, 1, 9, 3, 19, 45), ‘LhuhEofDLxujPHhdjCpw’, Decimal(‘1.87685014697517’)], 11: {9: Decimal(‘683384467.700707’), 10: ‘WdAMRIqSNHCYBbBjnxKv’, 11: [-8457.45804024019, ‘dhsSWHdDtCgfeBHfjOML’]}}}) |
fake.pytimezone | tzfile(‘/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Samarkand’) |
fake.pytuple | (3709, ‘’, ‘YbpImntiaTkUrRdSJhWX’, ‘CyUtlRZYMRreaIVezaeK’, datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 28, 13, 29, 28), Decimal(‘18938402.3875171’), ‘kvIYZZIETCbHrOinOmmo’, 8732, ‘lgUAAtTDfCJbMJmiqUSU’, ‘cXoPnrcnMvSbWFyrdIVL’) |
fake.random_choices | [‘c’, ‘c’] |
fake.random_digit | 0 |
fake.random_digit_not_null | 4 |
fake.random_digit_not_null_or_empty | 7 |
fake.random_digit_or_empty | |
fake.random_element | a |
fake.random_elements | [‘c’, ‘b’] |
fake.random_int | 6496 |
fake.random_letter | r |
fake.random_letters | [‘x’, ‘J’, ‘b’, ‘i’, ‘T’, ‘L’, ‘Z’, ‘T’, ‘Q’, ‘X’, ‘a’, ‘n’, ‘L’, ‘T’, ‘Q’, ‘Y’] |
fake.random_lowercase_letter | e |
fake.random_number | 78977 |
fake.random_sample | [‘c’, ‘b’, ‘a’] |
fake.random_uppercase_letter | D |
fake.randomize_nb_elements | 11 |
fake.rgb_color | 220,13,24 |
fake.rgb_css_color | rgb(236,165,162) |
fake.ripe_id | ORG-OBH71582-RIPE |
fake.safari | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10 10_4 rv:2.0; sq-AL) AppleWebKit/531.9.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/531.9.3 |
fake.safe_color_name | fuchsia |
fake.safe_domain_name | |
fake.safe_email | |
fake.safe_hex_color | #449900 |
fake.secondary_address | Suite 650 |
fake.seed_instance | None |
fake.sentence | Rise kid cell involve suggest support. |
fake.sentences | [‘Stock our bar.’, ‘spanssure capital know such Congress particularly fly.’, ‘Eye charge few their five.’] |
fake.sha1 | 952a4535af8c83e2fa92ab889686a3ca1f1f9115 |
fake.sha256 | 1694a7d23051b104393e10d31ff30a5f1e46b23b19b589e1dd834b577bb81e33 |
fake.simple_profile | {‘username’: ‘burtonnancy’, ‘name’: ‘Joseph Thompson’, ‘sex’: ‘M’, ‘address’: ‘94354 Perez Cliffs Apt. 299\nMartintown, NY 76630’, ‘mail’: ‘’, ‘birthdate’:, 6, 18)} |
fake.slug | instead-ever |
fake.ssn | 629-76-6588 |
fake.state | California |
fake.state_abbr | CA |
fake.street_address | 1784 Wells Passage Suite 054 |
fake.street_name | Keith Island |
fake.street_suffix | Fords |
fake.suffix | DDS |
fake.suffix_female | MD |
fake.suffix_male | DDS |
fake.suffix_nonbinary | II |
fake.swift | TCXZGBR3SLR |
fake.swift11 | ZQAVGBM0VGJ |
fake.swift8 | KAFGGB02 |
fake.time | 03:05:43 |
fake.time_delta | 0:00:00 |
fake.time_object | 09:20:55 |
fake.time_series | |
fake.timezone | America/Nassau |
fake.tld | org |
fake.tsv | “Charles Chung” “7239 George Tunnel Suite 851 Watkinsfurt, KY 21713” “Jessica Curtis” “130 James Mill Suite 888 Michaelchester, PA 87290” “Diane Smith MD” “4551 John Drive Suite 511 Jasonmouth, MD 40664” “Courtney Cunningham” “73075 Jarvis Inlet Roseside, OR 61500” “Karen Hernandez DVM” “05867 Davis Corners Suite 154 Williammouth, OK 75823” “Brian Morris” “89547 Abigail Locks Kevinstad, MT 04155” “Jennifer Hart” “9977 Tran Extensions Apt. 058 West Brenda, NH 57053” “Jacqueline Moore” “44492 Mary Village Apt. 995 Lake Lonnie, OH 69299” “Gregory Brady” “83333 Davis Common Port Calvin, RI 70021” “Tiffany Wiggins” “9373 Holloway Causeway Oconnorton, CT 62855” |
fake.unix_device | /dev/vde |
fake.unix_partition | /dev/vdw0 |
fake.unix_time | 20580974 |
fake.upc_a | 970061018989 |
fake.upc_e | 14802928 |
fake.uri | |
fake.uri_extension | .jsp |
fake.uri_page | privacy |
fake.uri_path | app |
fake.url | |
fake.user_agent | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.1) |
fake.user_name | erin21 |
fake.uuid4 | 38fbd9a9-0b05-49c3-937e-5856a803548b |
fake.windows_platform_token | Windows 95 |
fake.word | stand |
fake.words | [‘chance’, ‘especially’, ‘center’] |
fake.year | 1994 |
fake.zipcode | 47750 |
fake.zipcode_in_state | 86077 |
fake.zipcode_plus4 | 44500-9458 |